Please Note: We are building an up to date data base for all those who have trained in the Feuerstein approach in New Zealand. We would be grateful if you could supply Dr. Dorothy Howie (d.howie@auckland.ac.nz) with your name, tools trained in, E mail, current work place and role, current address and telephone number. This will be very helpful in future planning and communication about Feuerstein training in New Zealand.
Feuerstein Forum planning group:
Dr. Dorothy Howie, Forum leader: d.howie@auckland.ac.nz School of Psychology, University of Auckland. Senior workshop trainer in Instrumental Enrichment-Standard..
Dr.Joanne Walker: jo.walker@canterbury.ac.nz Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland.
Hassida Eliahu: hassida@eliahu.co.nz Workshop trainer in Instrumental Enrichment-Standard.
André Grobler: andregrob1@xtra.co.nz Workshop trainer in Instrumental Enrichment-Standard.
Sandi Sebestian: sandis@rtlbcluster8.ac.nz Workshop trainer in Instrumental Enrichment-Basic.
Kit McIntyre: mcintyrekit@gmail.com Author of chapter on Feuerstein IE with Pasifika students (see ‘research’).
Anaru Kapa: anaru.kapa006@msd.govt.nz Maori advisor.
Ernie Buutveld: ernie@fie.ac.nz Author of report on whole school Feuerstein implementation at Havelock School (see ‘research’). Political Advisor as formerly President of Primary Principals’ Association, and currently in an NZEI principals’ support role for the South Island.
Joanne Gibson: jogibson_4@hotmail.com Owner and administrator of the New Zealand Feuerstein facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/1522528591300304/
Regional Hub leaders:
(These hubs are in the early stages of development. They will be the focus of regional Forum and CPD seminars, as well as new Instrumental Enrichment level 1 training workshops.)
Auckland Hubs: leaders yet to be determined
Wellington Hub: leaders:
Jane Hannah, Tawa Intermediate: jane.hannah@tawaint.school.nz
Jo Keats, Tawa Intermediate: jo.keats@tawaint.school.nz
Christchurch Hub: leaders:
Mike Rea, Seven Oaks School: mike.rea@sevenoaks.school.nz
Ernie Buutveld: ernie@fie.ac.nz
Dunedin Hub: leader:
Dr. Simon McMillan, Kaikorai College: simcmillan@kvc.school.nz
Invercargill Hub: leader:
Callan Goodall, St.Patricks School: principal@stpatinv.school.nz