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How to obtain materials/resources:

Note that all Feuerstein materials are copyrighted, and all workshop participants sign an agreement to honour this copyright. This is required to ensure the integrity of the programme, in that only those trained to use a tool can purchase it.

In requesting materials, please provide the certification number given on your certificate for completion of the workshop training in the use of those materials. If a certificate has not yet arrived, please provide details of your workshop attendance. (The international Feuerstein Institute team has promised to send out certificates for workshops completed in 2017.)

All ordering has to be done through Michal, at, in Israel.

An ordering process can be found at 

However, recent ordering has indicated that Michal finds easiest the use of the attached ordering form. The US dollar section on the form is used. Current NZ dollar equivalents are given below only to guide people deciding on materials to order.

We do have an Auckland publisher of most of the materials, which means that these materials can get to us quickly once ordered though Michal. But it is wise to order well before the materials are required.

Costs of commonly ordered materials:

Teacher Guides for each of the Instrumental Enrichment Standard Instruments: (each Instrument has a teacher guide) $28 US = $41 NZ

Teacher guide for the Instrumental Enrichment Basic programme (one guide for the whole programme)
$40 US = $59 NZ

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